sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

the farewell of a master

Hi everybody how are your? Well this is the farewell of the blog, so my last post will be related to a farewell important has just happened.
We all know that the coach of our soccer team Don Marcelo Bielsa. Submitted his resignation to the ANFP, the agency responsible for administering the Chilean football. This is a very frustrating event for all people who love soccer, because nobody can believe as we go to the 5th best coach in the world.
So this post is intended to make a small tribute to the person who gave us so much joy, and also did many good things for soccer and for the people. its history is so

Marcelo Bielsa was born on July 21, 1955 in the city of Rosario. Son of
Argentine couple. He began his playing career at Newell's Old Boys club in his hometown. Subsequently it was transferred to Instituto de Cordoba, and later to Argentina in Rosario, where his playing career in 1980, a short tube career as a footballer.

Subsequently, beginning a career as a coach which was prepared for years. Bielsa began directing the national team coaching at the University of Buenos Aires. Cargo who left shortly after due to high demand that he issued to his trained.
In 1989 his first responsibility as a professional technician was exercised in the lower divisions of Newell's Old Boys de Rosario. In 1990 he took charge of first team of Newell's Old Boys which went champion of Argentine soccer first division.
After his successful career at Newell's Old Boys Marcelo Bielsa could lead other clubs in Spain, Mexico and even returned to directing in Argentina. In all these countries was, Marcelo tube outstanding participation, this allowed him to be called to lead the national team in the country in which complete a period of 6 years, getting to win the Olympic Games in Athens, and classify the world's first Korea / Japan 2002 and 2004, leaving runners at the Copa America.
2007 and after spending almost 3 years away from football Marcelo Bielsa took over the direction of the Chilean team getting really favorable outcome results:

Toulon tournament in France in 2008
Rank 2 nd in the qualifiers to World Cup 2010
Achieve a yield of 60% in charge of the selection. The best ever.
Bringing people back to the stadiums, charmed with the football again and make our selection of football one of the most powerful in the world.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

english experience

This essay is about the experiences in the course of English in my career.
At the beginning I was thought about the idea of four complete semesters of English, but it wasn’t a good thinking, because I feel that loss a lot of time what I can use in other subjects and the idea to come the Wednesday and Friday in the last time I “it looked just as frightening” therefore I start the English class with low motivation.

But with the start of my first class of English I served for know a group of classmate of obstetrics. They were in my same situations. With over time we realized that the fear at the class of English was because we were facing our first year of career and we feel a big pressure.

At the beginning all knew same, and this situations allowed that increase the confidence. Besides this the teacher always gave us independence to realized the activities because she all time talking with us. and when someone don’t know a word or a sentence she always help us in this cases. And was with this situations that convinced me that I could learn English.

About Claudia T, (the teacher) I think what was a important support for we us, she all time are worried of the progress and their activities were aimed at helping students learn more.

In general the English experience was a good instance learning because all time the teacher are worried in the student but the teacher shouldn’t only worry about of the progress in class but also times. The times was complicated in the beginning but this situation change with the last courses of English because the level three and four this situations greatly improved.

To end it should be noted the tool important that is English in university life as window to the world because help to obtaining a large amount of information and the best scientific information is in this language. And in relation in the career is of great importance because the obstetrics is constantly being updated.
for all this is very important the subject because is a important tool in our professional training and is important realized the English subject, no matter how difficult that may be the beginning, as happened to us because in the background is subject always will help us to be better professionals.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Myth About the Human Mind

Hello everyone how are you? In this blog I'll talk about an interesting subject, the human mind. So if I must first mention that last week we had a very important talk on this subject, which was conducted by Dr. Pedro Maldonado.
in this talk is discussed important issues in relation to the human mind, also described myths on the subject. Very interesting because the people commonly talk about this.
With in the topics there is something I was very surprised is that the human mind, stop this developed at 3 years. I think that is a very short time and need an important amount of stimulus to have a successful development. this expression is closely related to our career because we have the mission of encouraging mothers to stimulate their children to achieve a good mental development.
Another myth that I hear often is the human mind only uses 10% capacity. Absolutely false! The human mind utilize the 100% of his capacity, because the human need realized a lot of activities that the brain is the responsible of this correct realized of the human functions. Therefore there is no 90% that don't do anything. Because the brain to it takes function at maximum capacity to meet the needs of the body.
Well, for the end of the blog I will highlight one of the most recurrent myths is that intelligence is proportional to brain size, but we need remember that one of the brightest minds in the world had a size smaller than the common people. The best example is Albert Einstein who didn’t have a big size of brain, but was the most important scientist of the last centuries.

is Norma the stress?

Hi everyone, how are you? Before starting blog I would like to publicly apologize for not doing this blog at the time that corresponded. so I apologize to all the partner, the teacher and the student assistant.
Well this blog it was stress. Perhaps this condition led me to completely forget I had to do this post.
To start must be clear that everybody talks about stress, but really know that it is this condition? Well I think if because most people have the condition.
Stress is a problem that affects us all today either high demand or competitiveness that exists in our environment; we are constantly exposed and need to change this condition.
But one must be aware that stress is a physiological reaction of the body which involves a range of defense mechanisms to deal with a situation perceived as threatening or increased demand.

Stress is a natural and necessary for survival, despite which now merges with a pathology. This confusion is that this defense can stop under certain circumstances prevalent in certain modes of life, triggering serious health problems. When this natural response is given in excess is an overload of stress affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.
In our case as University students, are constantly exposed to these situations either by the high demand which means being in college and the demands imposed by ourselves.
But stress is a condition that can be overcome. Recreation, physical activity, organize our time. All these activities help us to release energy, release tension and be happier people.

hence the stress is a normal condition of our body but at the same time we can overcome in different ways

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

comments about a controversial article

Hello everyone in this opportunity I'm Talking about an important topic in the obstetrics “the drink and pregnancy” today I’m find a important article in the one of the most influential newspapers in the world “The Guardian” in the link:
the article talk about a study realized in the U.K Light drinking in pregnancy does babies no harm in the long run, Contrary to what is known that the women pregnancy should not drink alcohol during the nine months of gestation.
This important article that now is in the internet allows at the woman are more informed about the responsible drinking in the pregnancy.
The study is based on a large sample from the millennium cohort study – 11,500 children who were born between September 2000 and January 2002. The mothers were interviewed in person about their drinking patterns while they were pregnant.
Is important remember that the study sample its in children with 5 years old meaning that in the future not known whether they can submit any type of complication. But in the moment the development in the boy has been normal.
But this news evidence completely unconvincing ancient evidence is stronger than these recent findings and hold firm the idea that drinking in pregnancy will cause that the children’s present a lot of difficulty in his normal development.
Such was the impact of this article that the governments decided make a call to the conscience in the pregnancy woman’s to be well informed about the subject and keep the former rules consensus to avoid alcohol during the nine months of gestation.
For other side the professional’s obstetrics says that drink once or twice a week is not a big problem in the normal development of the pregnancy but should be done sparingly.
is important to say that most women stop drinking responsibly when know that they are pregnant.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Hi all again! it goes very fast ? good to this day continue to speak with an issue that again is closely related to my university career. This blog is about the drugs anticonceptive.

Well the last week visit on Dr. Valenzuela. he is expert in these matters about human reproduction and spoke of the side effects of contraceptive methods I also speak of different effectivity which has a anticonceptive drug when given before or after the ovulatory phase, related to the dose of the anticonceptive drug, said that if a woman did not administer the correct drug could have an ectopic pregnancy which is very dangerous to his health. also talked of as possible fertility in the infertility windows which our carreer is very important because many women get pregnant when this happens, blame the pills in reality this isn't.
On a more ethical Dr. Valenzuela referred to the different positions that had the church and science about when life actually beginsThis is a controversial topic so far.
I personally think that the doctor visit was a great help for our future work and showed us many truths of contraceptive methods, and mostly helped shape our own idea about moral issues about life which will be very important in our work as educators of society.

the system health is in coma

Hello everyone how are you? This time I will write a blog of more importance to my university career. this blog is the health system in England. is a blog that is closely related to one area of obstetrics that is public health. I personally found it way too interesting because as I said in some past blogs I want to devote to public healthin addition, already in the second year I had classes in the University about health system but our health system in Chile. which is very good because it is an instance to compare the two systems.
well about the English health system thought it was very different from what I saw in the movie because mostrban a lot of flaws that I thought were only in our health system
This surprised me because there is still much more importance on money by helping people.so I think that there are still remains to be done in inglese upgrade your health system and protect the most destituteand for our system must continue working to further improve and shorten the economic and social distances in order to give quality health care to the entire community in Chile and abroad.

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Mi fauvorite book is...

Hello everyone how are you?
Actually I am very happy to be back to write here. I think the blog is a great opportunity to learn English even with the high demand of time that use in this. Well this time the topic to discuss is my favorite book this it “Juventud en extasis” book of Mexican writer Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez.
The book is based on the life story of a young student who has to go through a sexually transmitted disease to realize that their sexual life is the wrong way, in the process of medical treatment known to who later becomes his wife.
In the life of this boy's problems encompass not only what to him but also know that from the courtship of his parents' troubles began after their separation and finally their reunion, the latter being the most satisfying because he always knew that his father was dead and when we both know is surprised.
In the course of their treatment changed many things within it, as his concept of abortion, women, love, sexuality, marriage, meet the real love affair, to meet his mother, to let their feelings surfacing without repressing them and one of the most important things you learn is to know what is really making love, a sentence that was too much on its vocabulary, but he had never known what it meant.
how interesting the book is like the protagonist "maturing" in the course of history. Also presenting issues also very fashion in the youth of the last decades. but the main thing is how to deal with sexuality in the youth. I like the book because it is seen that the protagonist learns his lesson and is able to face life differently than they did before.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Hello everyone how is you? This is a very special since posting the last blog of the semester. On this occasion I will write about the importance of this tool for a better knowledge of English. Overall I think blogging greatly helped improve the English language skills.
At the beginning I must admit that I did not like it because was very difficult to do but with time it will gain experience and improve the development of the blog. Also served to distract of the large amount of university research.
Currently believe that this tool has helped to make English class more didactic because obtained more vocabulary, are not all time in the class room and the blog allows show our ideas, thoughts Etc. but I believe that the realization of the blog time consuming and therefore we should make in the allotted time for example Tuesday we had that make the blog, but we worked to another activity so the blog was like "homework" using the time allocated for other activities. This last I think it was the only disadvantage of blog because helped me greatly improve the English.
I hope in the next semester continue to use this tool obviously with the suggestions given to not interfere with the development of other courses. Also provides access directly to the teacher Grammar doubts that translators do not correct.
well, in conclusions I think that the blog is necesary because is a good trainer of the English lenguage and help the student to express their experiences.
also is a form of recreation attentional.to finish the blog I hope you liked all my posts and continue to visit my page the next semester because if the blog continues I will continue to visit their sites.

martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Idols Are Idols...

Hello everyone in this opportunity I will continue talking about football .But this time the post has relation with my football Chilean player Matias Fernandez.

To start the biography:

Matias was born May 15th, 1986 in the neighborhood of Caballito in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Her mother is a national of Argentina, but her father is Chilean. After fours years living in Argentina Matias come to Chile in the city La Calera.
In beginning Matias was nicknamed “Pelusa”. Matias at seventeen had an illness in her column that almost leaves out of football.
Matias was player of “Union La Calera” football team of the city, after at the age of twelve Matías went to play to COLO-COLO.
In COLO-COLO Matias was debuted the year 2004 in the professional team
was in this club that reached its peak because Scored 46 goals in 96 games. In the year 2006 Matias was champions twice, was elected the best player in Chile and America, and came at the final cup South American and the Villarreal Club buy Matias, carried first opportunity to Europe.
Their fate in the old continent wasn’t good first in Villarreal was a bad participation playing 89 games and scored 7 goals. After this discreet presentation in Spain Matias was Sporting de Lisboa in Portugal. In this club Matias has had a better luck because less time has more efficiency. In Sporting de Lisboa Matias was scored 6 goals in 24 games.

Currently Matias are in South Africa with the Chilean team battling the FIFA World Cup; in this opportunity he is doing good jobs in our Team.
Is why that I trust that will have a good job in the championship and will again be the best played, as it was four years ago.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

The FIFA world cup

HI in this opportunity I post about a topics that I Like so much! I hope you like too the FIFA world Cup.

The FIFA world cup is the most important sporting event in the planet at football levels .This global event is done once every four years and participate the thirty two countries qualified for this appointment. The qualifiers are held by continent and the only country that not participates in this process is the host country. The countries wishing to participate should be associated with the respective continental soccer federations.
Continental soccer federations are:

•AFC (Asian Football Confederation)
•CAF (Confederation African of Football)
•CONCACAF (Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football)
•CONMEBOL (Confederación Southamerican of football)
•OFC (Oceania Football Confederation)
•UEFA (United Associations European of Football)

Once classifieds the countries is realized a draw to complete the eight groups (with four countries everyone) in the first round. In this part of the FIFA world cup the countries vie a match against members of the group. Classified only two (the best score) to the second round. In the second rounds beginning the “die-die” because two countries play one match and continue progress at quarter finals the country that won the match. Same thing happens to continue for semifinal. The semifinal winners compete for the championship and the looser vie the third place. The first host country of the world cup in 1930 Was Uruguay counted with the participation of thirteen countries and crowned as champion Uruguay and was a success. then continued the development of the championship. So far been performed in eighteen times since it began except in 1938 and 1942 to reason of the Second World War.
In general the FIFA world cup is a important event not only sports but only social because has been carried out in almost every continent and has become increasingly crowded. Now the FIFA world cup is being disputed in South Africa, is first time that the cup is playing in Africa and our country is a favorite to be champion.

The history say...

1930 Uruguay 4 - 2 Argentina (hosted by Uruguay)
1934 Italy 2 - 1 Czechoslovakia (hosted by Italy)
1938 Italy 4 - 2 Hungary (hosted by France)
1950 Uruguay 2 - 1 Brazil (hosted by Brazil)
1954 Germany 3 - 2 Hungary (hosted by Switzerland)
1958 Brazil 5 - 2 Sweden (hosted by Sweden)
1962 Brazil 3 - 1 Czechoslovakia (hosted by Chile)
1966 England 4 - 2 Germany (hosted by England)
1970 Brazil 4 - 1 Italy (hosted by Mexico)
1974 Germany 2 - 1 Netherlands (hosted by Germany)
1978 Argentina 3 - 1 Netherlands (hosted by Argentina)
1982 Italy 3 - 1 Germany (hosted by Spain)
1986 Argentina 3 - 2 Germany (hosted by Mexico)
1990 Germany 1 - 0 Argentina (hosted by Italy)
1994 Brazil 3 - 2 Italy (hosted by USA)
1998 France 3 - 0 Brazil (hosted by France)
2002 Brazil 2 - 0 Germany (hosted by Korea/Japan)
2006 Italy 5:3 (penalty shootout) France (hosted by Germany)
2010 South Africa Hosted... Champion CHILE ?

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

education and prevention

Hello everyone, how are you? Today I will speak about education and prevention. This is an important area of obstetrics because the midwife is in constant communication with the users, there for the education and prevention is an important tool to take care of people. The importance about the education and prevention lies in that it will always be better and more economic prevent a disease than cure it.

Is for this reason that the health professional is in recurrent counseling with people, it could be only one person, a family or a whole community like a commune, a region or even a country. The key is in the education that you can give to the people to make their lives better.

The midwives can execute a lot of activities with the three different levels (Individual, family and community ) for example personal counseling in the individual level, educational talks in the family level and in the community level the health professional can use the mass media like the television, the radio, the internet, etc. for a most global education.

Usually people think that the midwife job has only a clinical approach but our job is much more than that. An important part of the midwife job is to educate the population about teenage pregnancy, family planning, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and pregnancy problems among many others.

Finally I think the best way to inform people about the topics that I mentioned is explaining them in the simplest words about the pros of the preventions of the different diseases to which they are more exposed and the importance of a healthy life.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

the gender is not a problem :)

Hi everyone how are you? In this opportunity I ‘am going to talk about the gender problems or issues in my career. In general I think that this isn't a big problem, except for the big disproportion in the female / male ratio, the number of women is highly superior compared with men.

In the case of men I think is very beneficial because women trust most in the men midwife; they say the man is more careful and respectful. Also feel more included.

For the inconvenience I feel that the men midwife don’t have, except when women have complicated mood, but in this case depend of the men midwife management.

In general I think the gender issues don’t affect other health professional because men and women can do a god job.

In my carrier I feel that the gender difference is not a problem even I think is a benefit for both genders because produced communication between them.

In other countries with equal or bigger development (social, economic, etc) I think the situations with gender is the same. In the countries with minor development maybe there are more prejudices about certain tasks that should make a man or a woman.

martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Building my future

Hi everybody, this opportunity I’m going to talk about my future as a midwife.

First, I think is important to continue studying because it opens more possibilities in futures employments, especially in a competitive world as the current.

After the specialization (I think I would like to specialize in Public Health or Gynecology, but I’m not sure yet). So I’ll probably finish my studies when I’ll get pretty old.

I would love to work in public and private sector. In public sector I could help people of every social stratus, and contribute to my country. But in private sector I would have an economic benefit so I wouldn’t dislike working in that sector.

On the other hand my role as a midwife it would be focused to give an integral support and help for the mother and the baby all that with the base of the studies and knowledge.

This are my actual plans, like my “ideal world” but I don’t know if in the future my priorities change or if my likes go in some other way. All I know is that I want to finish my career and been the best professional that I can.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

I believe that my decision to study obstetrics is because I feel that I have much affinity with female genre. I have always been related with women in my family and with my friends.

I feel in love with my carrier because it has an important social work which allows me to improve myself in public health.

I remember that my first visit to hospital was to Lucio Cordoba hospital but wasn’t a good experience because the hospitalized users were in very bad and decrepit situation. Unlike Luis Tisne hospital, there the experience was wonderful.

There I live my first approach to mothers and babies. In that moment I felt the need to help woman and babies

I was worried because what happened in Lucio Cordoba Hospital I didn’t feel ready to see that level of misery again.

But after I talked with teachers and classmates they convinced me that the obstetrics work wasn’t related with the things that we did on Lucio Cordoba Hospital.

Other important factor was that I passed to second year because the subjects are more related with the carrier.

I think that midwifery is the carrier for me because combine medicine and sociology two vocations important in my life.

First the medicine, the development of pregnancy, the study of embryology is a very interesting biology branch.

Second the sociology is an important vocation because I feel is necessary to help at women in a humanized way and been a support in one of the most beautiful moments: The Delivery.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Hello again in this oportunity I'm going to talk and recommend the web site www.embarazada.com
This site have a lot of information about the pregnant woman and babies.
The site helps people, especially womans because contains important details about the proces of pregnatcy, for example in the main page have a list with topics related to pregnancy like:
-Food habits
-Change in the body of pregnant woman
-Drugs and risk in the pregnancy
-Multiple pregnancy

In relation with the newborn the website have a lot information about the care of the baby.
Also the website have a particulary and special tool : the calculator of pregnancy, this tool help to calcuculate the time of pregnancy, the date of birth etc.
The woman need the date of the last period and the "calculator" shows a lot of dates in relations with the pregnancy.
I like this page because is very complete and the people can comunicate with midwifes, doctors nurses etc. And it helps me to correct the calculation of date birth.
I visit very often this website and I recommend the people visit the website because is very funny and the relation with obstetrics is very important.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

my experience with the earthquake

The day of the earthquake was the last day of my vacations. That day we returned to Santiago. The trip was exhausting and very long. That night with my family arrived very tired.i went to sleep inmediatly...i was sleeping when it started to tremor. My dad went to my room and woke me up because i was so tired that I coudn't do it by myself. When I woke up the walls moved a lot and the tihngs started to fell down. I heard my mom screaming. I didn't understand what was happening because I had never been in an earthquake. when the earthquake we went out to the street to see our neighbors,luckily everithing was in order.
I won't forget that night because was the longest night of my life.

martes, 20 de abril de 2010


my name is Raul Torres, i´m twenty years old, i'm study obstetrics in Universidad de Chile, i'm in second year and i love my degree. I make this blog because use uin the class of english but I think this "virtual tool"is very important for the comunications, becuase help to share experiences, pictures,post whit my family, friends, teachers etc.
I want the peolple enter in my blog an to shared my activities.