martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Hello again in this oportunity I'm going to talk and recommend the web site
This site have a lot of information about the pregnant woman and babies.
The site helps people, especially womans because contains important details about the proces of pregnatcy, for example in the main page have a list with topics related to pregnancy like:
-Food habits
-Change in the body of pregnant woman
-Drugs and risk in the pregnancy
-Multiple pregnancy

In relation with the newborn the website have a lot information about the care of the baby.
Also the website have a particulary and special tool : the calculator of pregnancy, this tool help to calcuculate the time of pregnancy, the date of birth etc.
The woman need the date of the last period and the "calculator" shows a lot of dates in relations with the pregnancy.
I like this page because is very complete and the people can comunicate with midwifes, doctors nurses etc. And it helps me to correct the calculation of date birth.
I visit very often this website and I recommend the people visit the website because is very funny and the relation with obstetrics is very important.

6 comentarios:

  1. HEY Raul!!!
    your information is very good, i like your website beacuse is very important in my future as man midwife!!!
    see you tomorrow and I hope in my blog.


  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hi Raul!!
    I think that your website is very interesting, I like me and I believe that I will begin to visit this page, because is very important for our área of labor!!!

    kind regards!!!

  4. hi Raul!!
    i like this website too!
    i think it's very interesting that website because it helps us to ourselves and others to know more about pregnancy...
    see you in the class tomorrow

  5. hello friend!
    I think that your website is very important for my professional future.
    Well, see you tomorrow

  6. hi raul!

    i never visit this website but
    is very nice =) is very interesant
    for our...

    see you!
