jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

comments about a controversial article

Hello everyone in this opportunity I'm Talking about an important topic in the obstetrics “the drink and pregnancy” today I’m find a important article in the one of the most influential newspapers in the world “The Guardian” in the link:
the article talk about a study realized in the U.K Light drinking in pregnancy does babies no harm in the long run, Contrary to what is known that the women pregnancy should not drink alcohol during the nine months of gestation.
This important article that now is in the internet allows at the woman are more informed about the responsible drinking in the pregnancy.
The study is based on a large sample from the millennium cohort study – 11,500 children who were born between September 2000 and January 2002. The mothers were interviewed in person about their drinking patterns while they were pregnant.
Is important remember that the study sample its in children with 5 years old meaning that in the future not known whether they can submit any type of complication. But in the moment the development in the boy has been normal.
But this news evidence completely unconvincing ancient evidence is stronger than these recent findings and hold firm the idea that drinking in pregnancy will cause that the children’s present a lot of difficulty in his normal development.
Such was the impact of this article that the governments decided make a call to the conscience in the pregnancy woman’s to be well informed about the subject and keep the former rules consensus to avoid alcohol during the nine months of gestation.
For other side the professional’s obstetrics says that drink once or twice a week is not a big problem in the normal development of the pregnancy but should be done sparingly.
is important to say that most women stop drinking responsibly when know that they are pregnant.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Raúl!!
    It is a complicated topic, because as future midwifes we must to promote healthy life styles; but always the last choice is of pregnancy women. I knew that alcoholic mothers´babies have more possibilities to be alcoholic in a future.

    I see you in class.

  2. Hello Raul, this is a very important topic becouse the most women`s that drink alcohol in the pregnancy is the women`s in social risk for not have the necesary information, and us mission is try to change this situations.

    take care my friend, see you in class
