jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

english experience

This essay is about the experiences in the course of English in my career.
At the beginning I was thought about the idea of four complete semesters of English, but it wasn’t a good thinking, because I feel that loss a lot of time what I can use in other subjects and the idea to come the Wednesday and Friday in the last time I “it looked just as frightening” therefore I start the English class with low motivation.

But with the start of my first class of English I served for know a group of classmate of obstetrics. They were in my same situations. With over time we realized that the fear at the class of English was because we were facing our first year of career and we feel a big pressure.

At the beginning all knew same, and this situations allowed that increase the confidence. Besides this the teacher always gave us independence to realized the activities because she all time talking with us. and when someone don’t know a word or a sentence she always help us in this cases. And was with this situations that convinced me that I could learn English.

About Claudia T, (the teacher) I think what was a important support for we us, she all time are worried of the progress and their activities were aimed at helping students learn more.

In general the English experience was a good instance learning because all time the teacher are worried in the student but the teacher shouldn’t only worry about of the progress in class but also times. The times was complicated in the beginning but this situation change with the last courses of English because the level three and four this situations greatly improved.

To end it should be noted the tool important that is English in university life as window to the world because help to obtaining a large amount of information and the best scientific information is in this language. And in relation in the career is of great importance because the obstetrics is constantly being updated.
for all this is very important the subject because is a important tool in our professional training and is important realized the English subject, no matter how difficult that may be the beginning, as happened to us because in the background is subject always will help us to be better professionals.

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