martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Building my future

Hi everybody, this opportunity I’m going to talk about my future as a midwife.

First, I think is important to continue studying because it opens more possibilities in futures employments, especially in a competitive world as the current.

After the specialization (I think I would like to specialize in Public Health or Gynecology, but I’m not sure yet). So I’ll probably finish my studies when I’ll get pretty old.

I would love to work in public and private sector. In public sector I could help people of every social stratus, and contribute to my country. But in private sector I would have an economic benefit so I wouldn’t dislike working in that sector.

On the other hand my role as a midwife it would be focused to give an integral support and help for the mother and the baby all that with the base of the studies and knowledge.

This are my actual plans, like my “ideal world” but I don’t know if in the future my priorities change or if my likes go in some other way. All I know is that I want to finish my career and been the best professional that I can.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

I believe that my decision to study obstetrics is because I feel that I have much affinity with female genre. I have always been related with women in my family and with my friends.

I feel in love with my carrier because it has an important social work which allows me to improve myself in public health.

I remember that my first visit to hospital was to Lucio Cordoba hospital but wasn’t a good experience because the hospitalized users were in very bad and decrepit situation. Unlike Luis Tisne hospital, there the experience was wonderful.

There I live my first approach to mothers and babies. In that moment I felt the need to help woman and babies

I was worried because what happened in Lucio Cordoba Hospital I didn’t feel ready to see that level of misery again.

But after I talked with teachers and classmates they convinced me that the obstetrics work wasn’t related with the things that we did on Lucio Cordoba Hospital.

Other important factor was that I passed to second year because the subjects are more related with the carrier.

I think that midwifery is the carrier for me because combine medicine and sociology two vocations important in my life.

First the medicine, the development of pregnancy, the study of embryology is a very interesting biology branch.

Second the sociology is an important vocation because I feel is necessary to help at women in a humanized way and been a support in one of the most beautiful moments: The Delivery.

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Hello again in this oportunity I'm going to talk and recommend the web site
This site have a lot of information about the pregnant woman and babies.
The site helps people, especially womans because contains important details about the proces of pregnatcy, for example in the main page have a list with topics related to pregnancy like:
-Food habits
-Change in the body of pregnant woman
-Drugs and risk in the pregnancy
-Multiple pregnancy

In relation with the newborn the website have a lot information about the care of the baby.
Also the website have a particulary and special tool : the calculator of pregnancy, this tool help to calcuculate the time of pregnancy, the date of birth etc.
The woman need the date of the last period and the "calculator" shows a lot of dates in relations with the pregnancy.
I like this page because is very complete and the people can comunicate with midwifes, doctors nurses etc. And it helps me to correct the calculation of date birth.
I visit very often this website and I recommend the people visit the website because is very funny and the relation with obstetrics is very important.