sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

the farewell of a master

Hi everybody how are your? Well this is the farewell of the blog, so my last post will be related to a farewell important has just happened.
We all know that the coach of our soccer team Don Marcelo Bielsa. Submitted his resignation to the ANFP, the agency responsible for administering the Chilean football. This is a very frustrating event for all people who love soccer, because nobody can believe as we go to the 5th best coach in the world.
So this post is intended to make a small tribute to the person who gave us so much joy, and also did many good things for soccer and for the people. its history is so

Marcelo Bielsa was born on July 21, 1955 in the city of Rosario. Son of
Argentine couple. He began his playing career at Newell's Old Boys club in his hometown. Subsequently it was transferred to Instituto de Cordoba, and later to Argentina in Rosario, where his playing career in 1980, a short tube career as a footballer.

Subsequently, beginning a career as a coach which was prepared for years. Bielsa began directing the national team coaching at the University of Buenos Aires. Cargo who left shortly after due to high demand that he issued to his trained.
In 1989 his first responsibility as a professional technician was exercised in the lower divisions of Newell's Old Boys de Rosario. In 1990 he took charge of first team of Newell's Old Boys which went champion of Argentine soccer first division.
After his successful career at Newell's Old Boys Marcelo Bielsa could lead other clubs in Spain, Mexico and even returned to directing in Argentina. In all these countries was, Marcelo tube outstanding participation, this allowed him to be called to lead the national team in the country in which complete a period of 6 years, getting to win the Olympic Games in Athens, and classify the world's first Korea / Japan 2002 and 2004, leaving runners at the Copa America.
2007 and after spending almost 3 years away from football Marcelo Bielsa took over the direction of the Chilean team getting really favorable outcome results:

Toulon tournament in France in 2008
Rank 2 nd in the qualifiers to World Cup 2010
Achieve a yield of 60% in charge of the selection. The best ever.
Bringing people back to the stadiums, charmed with the football again and make our selection of football one of the most powerful in the world.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

english experience

This essay is about the experiences in the course of English in my career.
At the beginning I was thought about the idea of four complete semesters of English, but it wasn’t a good thinking, because I feel that loss a lot of time what I can use in other subjects and the idea to come the Wednesday and Friday in the last time I “it looked just as frightening” therefore I start the English class with low motivation.

But with the start of my first class of English I served for know a group of classmate of obstetrics. They were in my same situations. With over time we realized that the fear at the class of English was because we were facing our first year of career and we feel a big pressure.

At the beginning all knew same, and this situations allowed that increase the confidence. Besides this the teacher always gave us independence to realized the activities because she all time talking with us. and when someone don’t know a word or a sentence she always help us in this cases. And was with this situations that convinced me that I could learn English.

About Claudia T, (the teacher) I think what was a important support for we us, she all time are worried of the progress and their activities were aimed at helping students learn more.

In general the English experience was a good instance learning because all time the teacher are worried in the student but the teacher shouldn’t only worry about of the progress in class but also times. The times was complicated in the beginning but this situation change with the last courses of English because the level three and four this situations greatly improved.

To end it should be noted the tool important that is English in university life as window to the world because help to obtaining a large amount of information and the best scientific information is in this language. And in relation in the career is of great importance because the obstetrics is constantly being updated.
for all this is very important the subject because is a important tool in our professional training and is important realized the English subject, no matter how difficult that may be the beginning, as happened to us because in the background is subject always will help us to be better professionals.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Myth About the Human Mind

Hello everyone how are you? In this blog I'll talk about an interesting subject, the human mind. So if I must first mention that last week we had a very important talk on this subject, which was conducted by Dr. Pedro Maldonado.
in this talk is discussed important issues in relation to the human mind, also described myths on the subject. Very interesting because the people commonly talk about this.
With in the topics there is something I was very surprised is that the human mind, stop this developed at 3 years. I think that is a very short time and need an important amount of stimulus to have a successful development. this expression is closely related to our career because we have the mission of encouraging mothers to stimulate their children to achieve a good mental development.
Another myth that I hear often is the human mind only uses 10% capacity. Absolutely false! The human mind utilize the 100% of his capacity, because the human need realized a lot of activities that the brain is the responsible of this correct realized of the human functions. Therefore there is no 90% that don't do anything. Because the brain to it takes function at maximum capacity to meet the needs of the body.
Well, for the end of the blog I will highlight one of the most recurrent myths is that intelligence is proportional to brain size, but we need remember that one of the brightest minds in the world had a size smaller than the common people. The best example is Albert Einstein who didn’t have a big size of brain, but was the most important scientist of the last centuries.

is Norma the stress?

Hi everyone, how are you? Before starting blog I would like to publicly apologize for not doing this blog at the time that corresponded. so I apologize to all the partner, the teacher and the student assistant.
Well this blog it was stress. Perhaps this condition led me to completely forget I had to do this post.
To start must be clear that everybody talks about stress, but really know that it is this condition? Well I think if because most people have the condition.
Stress is a problem that affects us all today either high demand or competitiveness that exists in our environment; we are constantly exposed and need to change this condition.
But one must be aware that stress is a physiological reaction of the body which involves a range of defense mechanisms to deal with a situation perceived as threatening or increased demand.

Stress is a natural and necessary for survival, despite which now merges with a pathology. This confusion is that this defense can stop under certain circumstances prevalent in certain modes of life, triggering serious health problems. When this natural response is given in excess is an overload of stress affects the body and causes the appearance of diseases and pathological abnormalities that prevent normal development and functioning of the human body.
In our case as University students, are constantly exposed to these situations either by the high demand which means being in college and the demands imposed by ourselves.
But stress is a condition that can be overcome. Recreation, physical activity, organize our time. All these activities help us to release energy, release tension and be happier people.

hence the stress is a normal condition of our body but at the same time we can overcome in different ways